Monday, 20 August 2018

Prior to Settlement

As soon as the land was registered,  we contacted our broker and conveyancer to ensure we are ready to settle. 

We inspected our land and made sure no rubbish were dumped on our site.

The first time hubby took the land's measurement, the measurements did not correspond with the plan. So we reported it to our conveyancer.  The developer re-surveyed the land and located the pegs.

When we inspected the land again, we found the 2 pegs in front. They were clearly labeled with our and our neighbours' lot numbers.

However, the pegs at the back were not labeled. The right back corner peg was underneath the fence.  

The left back corner peg was behind our fence.

Since they were not labeled, we were not sure if those were our pegs so we asked the developer to check again.  The developer confirmed that the pegs we located were indeed our boundary pegs.  They also sent the photos below:

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Frame Stage

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